What makes apricot seeds considered the best known alternative cancer treatment? It is mainly because the content of vitamin B17 that it has. Besides B17, there are thousands of known and unknown enzymes in apricot seeds which help cancer and non-cancer patients enjoy tremendous health benefits.

Sunday, 28 June 2015

BromQ (Bromelain + Quercetin)

Price/Harga: RM103.00

AFDHAL BomQ (pineapple bromelain with apple quercetin)
90 capsules / kapsul

Every capsule contains:
  • 350mg Bromelain extract 
  • 100mg Quercetin extract
Bromelain with Quercetin helps:
  • Cancer prevention / Mengelakkan penyakit kanser
  • Stroke prevention / Mengelakkan penyakit jantung.
  • Improve stamina / Meningkatkan tenaga
  • Anti-inflammatory / Mengurangkan bengkak
  • Improve capillary strength / Memperbaiki kapilari yang rapuh
  • Eliminate virus / Mematikan virus.
  • Detoxify liver / Mendetoks hati.
  • Reduce painful arthritis / Mengurangkan kesakitan akibat arthritis
  • Help digestion / Membantu penghadaman
  • Reduce heart burn / Mengurangkan sakit uluhati.
  • Reduce problems with bronchitis, allergy and sinus / Mengurangkan masalah bronchitis yang kronik, alahan dan resdung.
  • Pain relief for gout / Melegakan gejala yang berkaitan dengan penyakit gout
  • Pain relief for carpal tunnel syndrome (painful and inflammatory fingers) / Melegakan sindrom ‘carpal tunnel’ iaitu bengkak dan kesakitan pada jari-jari
  • Speed up recovery for small cut / Melegakan kecederaan ringan dan mempercepatkan proses penyembuhan pada luka.
  • Reduce eczema symptoms / Mengurangkan gejala-gejala ekzema iaitu ruam-ruam yang gatal.
  • Digest protein / penghadam protein dalam tubuh

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Young Green Barley Leaves Powder

Afdhal Young Barley Green Leaves Powder

Net Weight: 80g

Suggested Intake:

1 - 2 teaspon daily

Price: RM52.00

What is AFDHAL Young Barley Green Leaves Powder made of?

Young barley green leaf is probably the only known vegetation on the earth that can supply sole nutritional support from birth to old age. When young barley leaves are 12-14 inches high, they contain all the vitamins, minerals, and proteins necessary for the human digestion of chlorophyll. The true nutritional benefits are found in the young grass leaves. These leaves are harvested and processed into the final product. The leaves contain many of the vitamins, minerals, and proteins necessary for the human diet.

Barley leaf is considered a whole food concentrate that is close to its natural state supplying the nutrients we require in a natural proportion. The colour reflects the abundance of chlorophyll and the similarity to other dark leafy vegetables. Eighteen amino acids are found in barley grass including Alanine, Arginine, Aspartic acid, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Proline, Serine, Threonine, Tyrosine and Valine.

All 8 of the essential amino acids are found in barley leaves. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, which are the major constituents of our body and are necessary for the continual cell building, cell regeneration and energy production that are necessary for life.

There are high amounts of vitamins and minerals in barley grass leaves. The vitamins found in Barley grass include beta-carotene, folic acid, pantothenic acid, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and vitamin C. The minerals include potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus. manganese and zinc. There are many important enzymes found in Barley grass including the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the new antioxidant 2”-O-glucosylisovitexin (2″-O-GiV). 2″O-GIV has been isolated and reported to have antioxidant activity equal to or superior to vitamin B.

How Does Young Barley Green Leaf Work?
Barley grass is a whole food providing many essential nutrients that act together to optimise body functions. Chlorophyll and other essential nutrients act to detoxify the body from destructive toxins such as heavy metals and pollutants that we digest every day. Chlorophyll also has anti-inflammatory properties. The chlorophyll in AFDHAL Young Barley Green Leaf Powder stimulates tissues growth and helps the blood supply oxygen to cells more efficiently.

Barley leaves can be easily absorbed throughout the digestive tract, giving our body access to vital nutrients. Many of the vitamins, minerals and enzymes present in barley leaves act as powerful antioxidants protecting our body from free radical damage, supporting our immune system and cardiovascular health.

Barley grass is a rich source of dietary fibre which is good for colon health and regularity. Sports people and others who need more energy should use barley grass; it provides them with a nutrient rich food that is packed with energy. Barley leaf is naturally alkaline and it helps to neutralise excess acidity in the body when consumed.

The Benefits of young green barley leaves

Young Barley Green Leaf helps maintain whole body health by supporting a healthy immune system. The enzymes present in Green Barley Leaf Powder provides the nutritional “spark-plugs” for increased energy, Enzymes create the spark that starts the essential chemical reactions our bodies need to live.

The chlorophyll in AFDHAL Young Barley Green Leaves Powder stimulates tissues growth and helps the blood supply oxygen to cells more efficiently. Chlorophyll and other essential nutrients act synergistically in barley leaves to detoxify the body from destructive toxins such as heavy metals and pollutants that we digest every day. Chlorophyll also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Barley grass can be easily absorbed through the digestive tract, giving our body access to vital nutrients. Many of the vitamins, minerals and enzymes present in Barley grass act as powerful antioxidants protecting our body from free radical damage, enhancing our immune system and improving cardiovascular health.

Research in Japan and other countries suggest that barley grass powder can be beneficial in asthma, obesity, skin rejuvenation, anemia, arthritis, gastritis, peptic ulcers, diabetes, cellular damage from x-rays, heart disease and hepatitis.

AFDHAL Green Barley Leaf Powder is successful for detoxing and can ease stiff and sore joints brought about as a result of exercise. It can also ease the reaction some people get from consuming certain foods, and can eliminate bloating after meals.

The following are some of the benefits of AFDHALYoung barley Green Leaves:

Skin rejuvenation – According to Chinese medicine, substances are classified into high, medium and low-grade drugs. The low-grade drugs work as toxicants, the medium-grade drugs work as either toxicants or curing agents while the high-grade drugs are natural foods that bring the functions of the internal organs back to a normal state.

Raw vegetables, especially green vegetables contain abundant minerals, enzymes and vitamins that will revitalize the body’s cellular structure. As one of the foods that contain an abundant amount of nutrients, Green Barley Leaf powder is classified as a high-grade food/drug that will rejuvenate the skin by improving the function of internal organs.

Helps Overweight – The best method of weight control is to promote the action of enzymes. Enzymes activate the body’s natural fat burning process by stimulating the lipid metabolism. When taken three times a day as part of a sensible diet and exercise program Green Barley will neutralise the acidity of body fluids, invigorate the function of the thyroid gland, the gland that controls the body’s metabolic rate, and improve the body’s digestive ability.

Effective Against Constipation – It is said that good eating, good sleeping and good evacuation are the three barometers of health. If unbalanced, disease may occur. Habitual constipation, which is frequently found in people over the age of forty, is due mainly to reduced mobility in the large intestine and the reduced muscular power of the body as a whole. Green Barley dissolves in water making it easy to assimilate and its many active ingredients promote the mobility of the intestinal tract and the associated muscles required for evacuation.

Lower Cholesterol Levels – Case studies have shown that Green Barley is very effective in reducing cholesterol levels as well as suppressing cholesterol absorption. One of the substances found in Green Barley, beta sitosterol, is currently being used in Japan to treat patients with high cholesterol levels.

Cancer – Cancer occurs when normal cells mutate. External carcinogenic substances such as radiation and chemicals can cause this mutation while toxins found in charbroiled meat and fish, benzpyrene and fukinotoxin, are examples of ingested carcinogens. Through exhaustive tests in both Japan and the US, it has been found that Green Barley Leaf powder contains enzymes known as peroxidase that suppresses the carcinogenic effects of introduced substances and helps to prevent normal cells from becoming cancerous.

Diabetes – Diabetes is a complex disease because once it has developed it is difficult to completely cure. Contributing factors include obesity, bad eating habits and lack of exercise. Diabetes occurs when the supply of insulin, a type of hormone secreted by the pancreas, is deficient. Research has shown that not only does Green Barley Leaf powder function in much the same way as insulin and balances sugar levels, but that it helps to heal the blood vessel damage caused by diabetes.

Other Ailments – Young barley green leaf has also been found to assist in relieving asthma, dermatitis, liver disease, blood acidification and allergies, while the high level of chlorophyll is a natural body deodorant.

How to Take Green Barley Powder:

- you can mix with your favourite fruit juice, or just plain water

- you can sprinkle on salads, rice, pasta or vegetables prior to serving

- you can add to your favourite smoothie

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Bagaimana Daun Barli Melawan Kanser

1. Daun barli muda mempunyai nilai Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) 25,500 bagi setiap100 grams. Sel-sel kanser tidak dapat hidup jika kemampuan badan menyerap oksigen adalah tinggi.  

2. 2-0-Glycosylisovetixin adalah satu enzyme yang terdapat di dalam daun barli muda, begitu juga dengan 2-0-Glycosylisovetixin menghalang pembiakan sel kanser. 

3. Daun barli muda juga mempunyai kadar alkali yang tinggi dan boleh menghapuskan sel-sel kanser. 

4. Superoxide Dismustase (SOD) is a free radical scavenger of tumor cells. Ianya mengembalikan fungsi sel dan membaiki DNA untuk mencegah pembiakan sel kanser. 

5. P4D1 Enzyme memusnahkan sel kanser dan memulihkan perubahan tidak normal didalam sel-sel. 

6. Daun barli muda kaya dengan  Potassium yang mana ianya cukup penting dalam mencegah pertumbuhan dan pembiakan sel-sel kanser. 

7. Folic Acid mencegah kerosakan perubahan sel yang boleh membawa kepada kanser. 

8. Peroxidase bertindak keatas carcinogen yang terdapat didalam tembakau serta daging dan ikan panggang/salai (grilled).

Daun Barli

A Total Complete Food
Satu-satunya tanaman hijau yang membekalkan zat nutrisi sesuai dari waktu lahir hingga ke usia tua.
  • 11x jumlah kalsium di dalam susu lembu. 
  • 5x zat besi (iron) didalam sayur bayam (spinach)
  • 7x Vitamin C di dalam buah oren
  • 2x Beta Carotene di dalam lobak merah (carrot)
  • 80mg Vitamin B12 di dalam setiap 100grams

Micronutrients yang terdapat di dalam daun barli muda:
  • 16 Vitamins: Biotin, Choline, Folic acid, Folate, Niacin, Panthotenic acid, Vitamin A (beta carotene), Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin F, Vitamin K, Vitamin E.
  • 17 Minerals: Boron, Calcium, Chloride, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Nickel, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, Sodium, Sulfur, Zinc, Trace amounts of more than 50 other minerals.
  • 17 Enzim: ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), Alpha Mannosidase, Aspartate aminotransferase, Beta Glucosidase, Catalase, Cytochrome oxidase, DNase, Fatty acid oxidase, Hexokinase, Malic dehydrogenase, Nitrate reductase, Nitrogen oxyreductase, P4D1, Peroxidase, Peroxidase catalase, Phosphatase, Phospholipase, Polyphenol oxidase, RNase, Superoxide dismutase, Transhydrogenase.
  • 18 Asid Amino: Alanine, Arginine, Aspartic acid, Cystine, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Proline, Serine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Valine.


Daun Barli dianggap 'a powerful antioxidant and immuno-stimulant'

Kebanyakan vitamins, minerals and enzim yang terdapat didalam Daun Barli bertindak melindungi badan dari radikal bebas dan menguatkan sistem imunisasi badan. Enzim Anti-oksida seperti 'free-radical scavenger, superoxide dismutase (SOD), dan anti-oksida, 2" - O-glucosylisovitexin (2" O-GIV), sudah diasingkan, dan 2" O-GIV dilaporkan mempunyai aktiviti antioksida melebihi Vitamin E. Kelebihan sebegini amat baik dan berguna dalam melindungi serangan penyakit merbahaya. 


(ORAC) Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity - Barli mengandungi 25,500 ORAC setiap 100grams. Semakin tinggi nilai ORAC bermakna semakin tinggi kandungan ant-oksida di dalam makanan tersebut. Mengikut analisa saintis, tidak ada makanan lain yang dapat memberikan perlindungan sebegini kepada badan. Pihak USDA mencadangkan ORAC sekitar 3,000 hingga 5,000 unit setiap hari.

Pendapat pakar mengenai daun barli

Dr. Allan L. Goldstein, Ph.D, 
George Washington Univ. Medical Center
"Barley grass leaf extract dramatically inhibits the growth of human prostatic cancer cells grown in tissue culture. ...It may provide a new nutritional approach to the treatment of prostate cancer."

Dr. Howard Lutz, 
Director for the Institute of Preventive Medicine, Washington, D.C.
“Barley grass is one of the most incredible products of this decade. It improves stamina, sexual energy, clarity of thought, and reduces addiction to things that are bad for you. It also improves the texture of the skin, and heals the dryness associated with aging.”