1. Start with AFDHAL DTOX PLUS in the morning before taking any other food. It will detox your body and helps your liver back to better functional condition. 1 box of DETOX Plus contains 10 sachets which should be consumed for 10 consecutive days.
Mulakan dengan DTOX PLUS di awal pagi, bancuh satu paket DETOX PLUS kedalam segelas air suam. Ianya akan membantu mengembalikan kecerdasan hati untuk berfungsi dengan lebih baik. Setiap kitak mengandungi 10 paket. DTOX Plus juga terdapat dalam bentuk serbuk yang tidak dipaketkan. Sukatan bagi serbuk DETOX adalah dua sudu teh setiap kali dimakan.
2. Take AFDHAL BromQ after your breakfast.
Ambil 2 biji BromQ selepas sarapan.
3. After 15 minutes, take 2 capsules of ORADALIN and 2 capsules of Apricot seeds. You may take ORADALIN to the maximum of 3 capsules at one time. The idea is to get as much B17 as soon as you can into your body to stop cancer growing. Apricot seed capsules are complementary to ORADALIN in cancer treatment to supply additional enzymes in raw form to the body.
Selepas 15 minit, ambil 2 kapsul ORADALIN dan 2 kapsul APRICOT SEEDS. Anda boleh mengambil maksima 3 biji kapsul ORADALIN pada satu-satu masa. Kapsul APRICOT SEEDS adalah pelengkap kepada ORADALIN dalam membekalkan enzim tambahan kepada badan.
1. Start with AFDHAL DTOX PLUS in the morning before taking any other food. It will detox your body and helps your liver back to better functional condition. 1 box of DETOX Plus contains 10 sachets which should be consumed for 10 consecutive days.
Mulakan dengan DTOX PLUS di awal pagi, bancuh satu paket DETOX PLUS kedalam segelas air suam. Ianya akan membantu mengembalikan kecerdasan hati untuk berfungsi dengan lebih baik. Setiap kitak mengandungi 10 paket. DTOX Plus juga terdapat dalam bentuk serbuk yang tidak dipaketkan. Sukatan bagi serbuk DETOX adalah dua sudu teh setiap kali dimakan.
Ambil 2 biji BromQ selepas sarapan.
3. After 15 minutes, take 2 capsules of ORADALIN and 2 capsules of Apricot seeds. You may take ORADALIN to the maximum of 3 capsules at one time. The idea is to get as much B17 as soon as you can into your body to stop cancer growing. Apricot seed capsules are complementary to ORADALIN in cancer treatment to supply additional enzymes in raw form to the body.
Selepas 15 minit, ambil 2 kapsul ORADALIN dan 2 kapsul APRICOT SEEDS. Anda boleh mengambil maksima 3 biji kapsul ORADALIN pada satu-satu masa. Kapsul APRICOT SEEDS adalah pelengkap kepada ORADALIN dalam membekalkan enzim tambahan kepada badan.
ORADALIN capsules
Apricot Seed capsules
4. Do Step No. (1) and (2) every 4 hour (6 times a day). Always remember, if you experience any kind of 'healing crisis' like dizziness, nausea, sore throat, reduce the dosage intake. Go down to the minimum amount of intake, and start increasing the dosage until you reach the suggested intake.
Lakukan Langkah (1) dan (2) setiap 4 jam (6 kali sehari). INGAT!!! jika anda mengalami reaksi negatif (healing crisis) seperti sakit tekak, demam, selsema dan mual-mual, pening, kurangkan dos kepada separuh tetapi kerapkan jarak pengambilannya.
5. Take AFDHAL Young Barley Leaves - 2 capsules 3 times a day.
Ambil Young Barley Leaves - 2 kapsul 3 kali sehari.
Young barley leaves capsules
Kapsul daun barli muda
6. Drink at least 2 litres of water a day.(preferebly alkaline water). You may get it from specifically treated water from water machine or from your own alkalised water filter at home.
Minum sekurang-kurangnya 2 liter air sehari (sebaik-baiknya air alkali). Boleh didapati dari mesin air bertapis atau dari penapis air dirumah.
7. Take a lot of vegetables which contains B17 (e.g broccoli)
Ambil banyak sayuran yang mengandungi B17 seperti brokoli
8. Eat a lot of fruits (e.g. Apple and grapes contains B17 in their seeds)
Makan banyak buahan (contohnya epal, anggur yang mengandungi B17 dalam bijinya)
9. Take vitamin C, maximum of 1000 mg a day to help build new cells.( you can get from pharmacy)
Ambil vitamin C, max 1000 mg sehari to pembinaan semula dinding sel (oleh didapati dari farmasi)
10. Take Zinc to help distribute B17 throughout your body ( you can get this from pharmacy)
Ambil zink untuk membantu mengagihkan B17 keseluruh badan. (juga dari farmasi)
11. Do some physical exercise, the least by taking deep breath to help get more oxygen into the body.
Lakukan senaman ringan seperti mengambil nafas panjang di kawasan udara bersih bagi mendapatkan oksigen tambahan kedalam badan.
You can get the above products by contacting the following number:
Anda boleh mendapatkan kesemua produk di atas dengan menghubungi nombor berikut:
SMS / WhatsApp / Telegram
Contact Person: Abdul Aziz Abdullah