The root cause of cancer was discovered in 1890 by Dr. William Russell (1852-1940). Dr. Russell saw microbes both inside and outside of the cancer cells and the microbes inside the cancer cells were the ones causing the cancer.
The cancer microbe was studied in detail in the early 1900s and was found to be highly pleomorphic. Many years later another microbiologist, Gaston Naessens, counted 16 different sizes and shapes of the cancer microbe. (see the book: The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens, by Christopher Bird). The medical establishment in Canada was so delighted with his discovery that they had him thrown in jail!!
If cancer is caused by microbes that are inside the cancer cells, then it is easy to cure cancer; just kill the microbes inside the cancer cells. The size and shape of the microbe is a function of the pH inside the cancer cell. The higher the pH, the smaller the microbe.
The higher the pH the more lethargic the cancer microbes become and the cancer spreads more slowly. Natural medicine practitioners take advantage of this fact and frequently use highly alkaline protocols to slow down the spread of the cancer and in many cases these treatments can cure the cancer.
Dr. Royal Rife, a microbiologist, in the 1930s, also knew that it was microbes which were inside the cancer cells which caused cancer. By knowing this he developed a gentle electromedicine device to kill these microbes. This device had a 100% cure rate and it did nothing but kill microbes.
The AMA and FDA (Food and Drug Administration) were so incensed that he was curing cancer that the AMA tried to "buy him out." When he refused the FDA came in and destroyed his lab and his machines which had not already been sold and delivered.
Dr. Virginia Livingston's team of cancer researchers discovered why cancer cells have DNA damage. They discovered that the microbes inside the cancer cells get inside the cell nucleus and their DNA mixes with the DNA of the cell, which changes the DNA of the cancer cells.
In fact, the concept that the DNA of a microbe, which gets inside of a human cell nucleus, and thus changes the DNA of the human cell, is at the heart of gene therapy. This is not some strange theory, it is a concept which is used in modern medicine to treat genetic diseases.
The point is that the Livingston team discovered that the DNA damage occurs AFTER the cell is already cancerous.
Dr. Livingston died without any recognition from orthodox medicine for her team's critical discovery. Instead, orthodox medicine has ignored her team's discovery and still claims that it is DNA damage that causes cancer. This gives them an excuse to claim that a cure for cancer is 50 years away. A cure for cancer will always be 50 years away according to anyone who is in bed with the pharmaceutical industry, such as the American Cancer Society.
By claiming that DNA damage causes cancer, the public believes that cancer will never be cured. But Virginia Livingston was curing cancer with a vaccine she developed.
This DNA damage (which is a result of cancer, not a cause of cancer), is what all large "cancer research" organizations claim cause cancer. They are spending billions of dollars trying to fix this DNA damage instead of trying to safely target and kill the cancer cells using Mother Nature (who already knows how to target and kill cancer cells) or by killing the microbes inside the cancer cells (which reverts the cancer cells into normal cells), which is how Dr. Rife cured cancer!!
The second concept is regarding the nature of cancer cells. It was discovered in about 1930, and a Nobel Prize was awarded for this discovery, that the defining characteristic of cancer cells is low ATP energy. ATP is a molecule which is made inside the mitochondria, which is inside of all cells. There are thousands of mitochondria inside of all cells and the ATP is what provides cells their energy.
So why do cancer cells have low ATP energy and who cares if there are microbes inside the cancer cells?
In 2004, an ICRF cancer researcher tied these two major discoveries together by explaining the mechanism of how these microbes, which are inside of the cancer cells, block the production of ATP molecules. In other words, he explained that cancer is caused because the microbes inside the cancer cells block the production of ATP in two different ways.
This discovery supported the claim of Dr. Rife that if you kill these microbes the cancer cells will revert into normal cells. They become normal cells again (or for the first time in many cases) because with no microbes inside the cell the ATP energy will be restored and the cell will be healthy again.
This discovery has led to several new, highly effective natural cancer treatments, particularly DMSO, MSM and honey protocols. The DMSO, MSM and honey are "Trojan Horses" to get microbe-killing substances inside of cancer cells to kill the microbes. DMSO is actually used by one major natural medicine cancer clinic, the Camelot Cancer Care clinic in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
This discovery also explained how some previously existing natural cancer treatments worked.
The discovery also led to the fact that some natural cancer treatments would conflict with each other (the conflict is not dangerous, but one treatment may neutralize another treatment). The conflict can occur because one type of cancer treatment is trying to lower ATP energy (to cause the cancer cells to fall apart), and another treatment is trying to kill the microbes inside the cancer cells, which would raise ATP energy because when the microbes are gone, so is the reason ATP energy in cancer cells stays low.
For example, do not mix Paw Paw (which causes cancer cells to fall apart by lowering ATP energy) with the High RF Frequency Protocol, which was designed to kill the microbes inside the cancer cells and thus revert the cancer cells into normal cells. When you kill the microbes the ATP energy rises because there is nothing to block the creation of ATP energy (the microbes are what block the ATP energy).
Thus, one protocol is lowering the ATP energy and the other protocol is incidentally raising the ATP energy. The Paw Paw treatment will be worthless. The High RF Frequency Protocol will work just fine because it is interested in microbes; it is not directly interested in ATP energy.
A different ICRF cancer researcher designed the protocol for using the "High RF Frequency Protocol" for cancer. It is one thing to have the equipment and another thing to know how to use it.
Let us partially summarize what the cancer microbe does.
First, the cancer microbe largely or totally blocks the production of ATP molecules in the mitochondria (and the cancer cells have to revert to another method, fermentation, to make enough ATP molecules to stay alive).
Second, the DNA of the cancer microbes is what causes the DNA damage of the cancer cells after the cell is already cancerous or is beginning to become cancerous.
Third, the cancer microbe also excretes enzymes that coat the outside of the cancer cells so the immune system cannot identify them as cancer cells and thus the immune system cannot safely target and kill them. The existence of the enzyme coating has been known about for more than 50 years in natural medicine.
In fact, over 50 years ago there were natural cancer treatments (e.g. proteolytic enzymes) that stripped away these enzyme coatings so the immune system could identify the cancer cells and kill them. Dr. Kelley used proteolytic enzymes as part of his treatment.
The existence of this protein coating is proof that DNA damage is not the cause of cancer. How could DNA damage create a coating of enzymes on the surface of cancer cells??
Fourth, Dr. Mathias Rath, MD, who had to flee the United States to avoid being arrested for curing cancer, discovered that these enzymes (or different enzymes excreted by these microbes, we don't know) also cut a path across tissue so the cancer cells could spread more easily.
There has been researcher after researcher who knew about the cancer microbes inside the cancer cells. And there have been a growing number of clever tactics developed to kill these microbes.
When you kill all of the microbes inside of a cancer cell, the cancer cell will revert into a normal cell because there is nothing to block the production of ATP energy. This is the ideal way to cure cancer because there are no dead cells and no debris from dead cells.
But most natural cancer treatments work in other ways.
Some treatments use natural substances that target and kill cancer cells. Laetrile, or Vitamin B17, is a perfect example. Carrots and purple grapes both contain multiple nutrients that can target and kill cancer cells. One researcher thinks that it is the oxalic acid in carrots that cures the cancer. He may be right.
Other treatments work by supercharging the immune system and then letting the immune system deal with the cancer. One example is Dr. Bob Beck, who had a PhD in physics. He designed a cancer treatment that removed all microbes from the bloodstream and found out that by doing this the immune system was supercharged and the immune system could get rid of the cancer cells.
The problem with building the immune system is that it is a slow process. Many cancer patients today who seek out natural cancer treatments have been sent home to die and do not have the time left to live to have their immune system rebuilt after it had been damaged by chemotherapy. But even these patients can benefit from the Bob Beck Protocol, but it should not be their primary protocol.
Some treatments work by using super-nutrients to "keep the patient alive" (so they have more time to treat their cancer) by using special cell-energizing supplements. The Budwig Diet is a good example. The Photon Genius, an electromedicine device, is the best way to energize cells quickly (see the Photon Protocol article or the "Weak Cancer Patients" article or the "Understanding Treating Cancer" article).
In fact, the best natural medicine treatments today use a combination of tactics. One highly nutritional protocol "keeps the patient alive" and at the same time other treatments are dealing with the cancer cells and yet other treatments are building the immune system, etc.
Some newer protocols use the technology of killing the microbes inside the cancer cells, such as the High RF Frequency Protocol, the DMSO protocols and honey protocols.
In theory, DMSO could cure cancer in one day (thus the term "Overnight Cure For Cancer"), as it does not stress the stomach because it can be taken transdermally (i.e. through the skin). However we are concerned about Herxheimer's (which is severe brain fog caused by the release of mycotoxins by dead microbes) so we have not tried to cure cancer in one day with this protocol.
The point is that it is common to combine multiple approaches in the same treatment. That is what the experts work on accomplishing.