What makes apricot seeds considered the best known alternative cancer treatment? It is mainly because the content of vitamin B17 that it has. Besides B17, there are thousands of known and unknown enzymes in apricot seeds which help cancer and non-cancer patients enjoy tremendous health benefits.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Why cancer comes back after treatment?

A cancer patient who has had significant chemotherapy even after he/she has been cured, might experience the cancer to come back because they have destroyed the person's immune system.

In the body, at the systemic level (i.e. not at the cellular level) cancer is caused by an imbalance between the strength of the immune system and the number of cancer cells in the body.

A normal human being probably has many cancer cells in their body, but their immune system routinely and safely gets rid of these cancer cells.

When there is an imbalance between the strength of the immune system and the number of cancer cells, a person will eventually be "diagnosed" with cancer because the number of cancer cells has grown beyond the ability of the immune system to get rid of the cancer cells.

In alternative medicine, the approach of a treatment, on a newly diagnosed cancer patient, may be to safely kill many of the cancer cells and rebuild the immune system. Problem solved, the balance is restored and the person is cured.

But the reality is that almost no cancer patient begins their cancer treatment with alternative medicine. This means they have had large amounts of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. All 3 of these things damage the immune system. For example chemotherapy damages the lining of the stomach which inhibits the ability of the person to properly extract nutrients from their foods. This is not good for the immune system. But also chemotherapy kills many cells in the immune system.

So let us suppose a person in this situation uses a really good alternative cancer treatment and safely gets rid of their cancer cells.

Are they cured? Well, they have restored the "balance," but the "balance" is zero immune system and zero cancer cells.

It turns out this is not a good balance because every human being will get new cancer cells. As time goes on, this person, who is said to have been "cured" will get many new cancer cells.

However, there is no immune system to safely kill these new cancer cells!! Thus it is just a matter of time until the imbalance returns and the person "gets" cancer again. This is called "regression."

The bottom line is that: if you have had orthodox cancer treatments, and you "cure" your cancer with alternative cancer treatments, you need to be on a simple and inexpensive protocol for life.


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